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The foundation was originally started in 2008 and was developed as an affiliate of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation to help secure and distribute private funds to our public school system. It lay dormant until 2014 when a grassroots community effort was developed to re-launch the Piper Educational Foundation. The planning committee wrote official by-laws for the governance of the foundation which lay the groundwork for its organization and procedures.

Requests to join the Piper Educational Foundation board were solicited on the district website and the first meeting of the "new" Piper Educational Foundation was held in November 2015 when officers were elected. The board adopted a mission and vision for the foundation and started a long range strategic plan.

2016 saw a great deal of planning and development for the Piper Educational Foundation and the adoption of long term strategic plan. This plan outlines specific programs overseen by the foundation and lays the direction for the foundation's growth. Over $5,000 was raised through the auction at the Fall Festival in 2016 and an additional $10,000 raised at Trivia Night in February of 2017.

These funds were then awarded to building administrators in the spring of 2017 for the enhancement of programs and technology in each of the district's 5 buildings. Our hope is to double or triple that figure in the 2017-2018 school year!
Thank you for your support.